A couple of months ago, my sister, mom and I were filmed in my home with actresses Bern Nadette Stanis. She played Thelma in Good Times.
Her mom had alzheimers and Bern Nadette wanted to talk with other caregivers. I have to thank Paula, who leads the Harlem Alzheimers support group for that hook up.
I was nervous during the filming and after my husband said he wish he had cue cards to remind us what to talk about. UGHHHH! I felt horrible after the shoot because I was tongue tied and my sister felt horrible because she was crying. (You see some of that in the trailer.) Mom was just going with the flow. I just have to release and let go.
During the filming I did show some of mom's handmade quilts. I hope they show them.
It'll be shown on Centric TV and the show is called 'BEING.' (link to trailer) This Saturday July, 30th, 2016. Check the site for the time in your area.
If you are a caregiver, please go to these websites. They offer classes, support groups, 24 hour call support and more. You are not alone.
Caring Kind (NYC Chapter)
Alzheimer's Association
All smiles after the shoot.
Bern Nadette Stanis, Denise, Izola, Shimoda, Paula Rice